SMEET Group is pleased to introduce the most modern and highly sophisticated Concrete Blocks & Kerbs Factory to provide the Construction Industry with innovative products..
SMEET Block Factory is located in Mesaieed Industrial City with ultramodern industrial processing facilities and equipped with fully automated machineries to produce an extensive range of Garden and Driveway products, Building Blocks, Decorative Pavers, Tiles & Kerbs in compliance with clients’ specific requirements conforming to Qatar and International Standards.
Production Facility (Products & Services)

Batching Plant
Plant is equipped with 2 fully automatic Batching PlantS comprising 2 Atlantis Mixer and 2 Rotoconix Mixers, Movable Aggregate Weighing Hopper, Proportioning plant for Aggregates, Silos, Water, Admixture, Vibratory Feeders and Pigment Proportioning Systems which ensures the efficient and accurate design mix to achieve highest quality products.
Pavers, Blocks & Kerbs
Silos - 9 Nos of Cement Silos with 100 Tons capacity each to ensure adequate storage of raw materials
Interlocks & Blocks
Our Pavers and Blocks are made in a Fully Automatic System with a highly efficient Hydraulic Dry Press machines with variable vibration technics, and the most advanced handling systems.
Monthly production capacity: Masonry Blocks 1,500,000 / Interlocks 100,000 Square Meters.

Curing Chamber
Our Curing Chamber is having the capacity for over 5000 racks equipped with Air Circulation and Moisture Control System to maintain uniform temperature and ambience to ensure proper curing and achieve right strength.
Pavers & Kerbs
The SMEET Wet Press products such as Kerbstones, Paving stones and Tiles, are characterized by a high density product combined with very low water absorption. The manufacturing process is based on a method where liquid concrete is extremely compacted under high pressure and excess water removal.
Monthly Production Capacity: Paving Stones - 72,000 Square Meters & Road KERBS - 135,000 Linear Meters
SMEET is specialized for the production Granite finish – Concrete Pavers, Interlocks & Kerbs and well equipped automated Secondary processing machines, products can made in different textures and finishes like, Polished, Honed, Curled, Shot Blasted, Bush Hammered etc., as per the projects requirements and Customer specific needs.

Grinding & Polishing Machine
Plant has 3 Polishing Lines and has the capacity to process products with Polished/Curled surfaces in excess of 100,000 Sq. Meters / L. Meters Pavers / Interlocks / Kerbs per month.
Shot Blasting Machine
With 3 Shot Blasting Machines in operation plant has the capacity to process products with Shot Blasting surface around 100,000 Sq. Meters/L. Meters of Interlocks/Kerbs per month.
SMEET is fully committed for minimizing the waste and recycling the resources and is equipped with fully automated Water Treatment Plant for segregating the concrete waste and recycling the Water.
Factory is equipped with full-fledged Crusher Plant and Screening units
Raw Materials are crushed and screened to sustain uniformity and quality of Finished Products.